The People for Ukajede Foundation has been running since 2004 and is a registered non-profit organization. The project was initially started by The Birchwood Hotel supporting 5 crèches in the local informal settlements in the East Rand. The area has become known as “Ukajede” which is an acronym for the 5 areas within the informal settlement – Ulana, Kanana, Angelo, Jerusalem and Delmore. Over the years the project has expanded to support 8 crèches, the main focus being to provide a sustainable feeding program that ensures the children receive a daily cooked meal and a secure environment in which to learn.
The crèches are run independently, each having a principal, teachers and volunteers to support their operations. The Foundation assists by ensuring that food is delivered to the schools on a monthly basis. Teachers and volunteers in each crèche prepare the food for the children.
The project also strives to assist the schools in maintaining their facilities where possible, and support them with toys and educational supplies.
The eight crèches are as follows, and together make up approximately 570 children:
Ulana Day Care
Delmore Thembilihle Preschool
Happiness Preschool
Kanana Kiddies Day Care
Kiddies Home
Palesa Day Care
Angelo Twelepelo Crèche
Jerusalem Community Crèche